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Welcome to VP&I
We stand for knowledge with value!

Patents as source of information

Patent documents disclose technological, legal and business information, which could be useful and can yield inspiration. Disclosures of findings and inventions support technological developments and business activities.

Intellectual Property (IP)

IP rights protect intangible assets such as patents. A patent proprietor may prohibit others to use his invention. But exploiting his invention or another product may fall within the scope of protection of another patents.


Innovation and
IP management

The following activities of management may contribute to support your organization: optimize your IP portfolio, monitor the market and IP rights from third parties, identify new products and processes, and negotiate with parties.

Chemistry and pharmacology

The developments of new chemical products, technologies and applications, and drugs spend a lot of time and money which involve uncertainties of the results of the products to be developed. For this managing innovation is an investing in the future. 

Welcome to VP&I

Vermeulen Patent & Intelligence (VP&I) is an independent consultancy and research agency specialized  in aspects of intellectual property and innovation.

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29/01/2012, 12:31 - The EU Counsel agreed on two proposals for a regulation of 25 out of 27 EU member states  on 27 June 2011.   The regulations on the unitary...
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